Interaction Design Case Study
2013 - 2016 (Whirpool Latin America)

B.blend is the world's first beverage machine that transforms capsules into more than 35 types of beverages (fruit juices, soft drinks, coconut water, energy drinks, and teas, among others).
The innovation presented lies in the fact that it is a beverage platform that also includes a water purifier providing natural water in 3 temperatures (ambient, cold and iced), sparkling water and hot water. After placing the capsule in the machine and pressing just one button, the process starts automatically, preparing each drink in the ideal size and temperature.
Duration and Credits
The case study presented here refers to the project's development between 2013 and 2015 while I worked in the Interaction Design team at Whirlpool Latin America in Joinville (Santa Catarina - Brazil).
It was a project that involved hundreds of professionals (PMO, call center, service, competitive intelligence, innovation, marketing, design, logistics, quality, supplies, engineering, technology, and manufacturing). The design team alone involved more than 20 professionals with the most diverse backgrounds. It was 4 years from the initial idea until the product was made available for sale (2011 - 2015).
My responsibility was with the Whirlpool team to design a complete product experience solution, from product conceptualization to production. My role was primarily in the development of product interaction and experience. I also led the design team for this project from 2014 until 2016, where I was responsible for collaborating with other stakeholders to deliver the project on time and with the appropriate quality, proposing solutions to various problems encountered along the way.
The Process
It was a long project that happened in many phases. I bring here the process from the Interaction design point of view, showing the tools used from conception to the implementation of the product experience.
Qualitative Research
Users participated in the development process
Team collaboration
Strategic vision
Project leadership
Service Design
Interaction Design
User Experience
According to research from the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 80% of the diseases in the world are related to drinking contaminated water. The IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) estimates that 54% of Brazilian homes have some domestic water treatment system to avoid diseases. Every month, more than 250 thousand filters and purifiers are sold in the country. This data shows the concern of Brazilians in consuming water with the least possible amount of impurities and free of contaminations.
Brastemp was already active and consolidated in the purifiers segment. They wanted to enter a new market or instead create a new one. The project's initial requirements were that it should be a product for domestic use, purify the water, and be innovative.
First Discoveries
Through market research and analyzing consumer behavior, we discovered that pure water is just one of the ways people consume beverages at home. We realized a great potential market when we started investigating other behaviors, such as the composition of Brazilian households and the diversity of family configurations, habits, and how and when they consume beverages.
A new urban family culture was emerging, routines started to be unique for each family member, and each one had a desire and preference for drinks. Most beverages offered in the market have sizes 3 to 5 times larger than the portion of liquid a person needs for a meal (250 to 350ml), which most often leads to waste. In addition, space at home for storage is increasingly restricted due to the size of houses and apartments.
B.blend was born from these discoveries and came intending to solve all these issues and propose a change in how people drink and consume beverages.
Attitudinal Target: MeWe's
They live in urban households with multiple family formats where the value of individuality is as important as sharing. They live the culture of individuality which is the freedom to create personal experiences while together. For them, the power to choose from dozens of different individual drinks sounds like magic! The best solution for them is for everyone to enjoy their personal beverage choices consciously. And make socializing a celebration of individuality.
Product Experience Challenges
Because it is a physical product, the project had several challenges.
In this case study, I will focus on the problems related to Interaction and User Experience.
There was (and still is) no product like this, so we had no product as a direct reference, only similar products.
For being unique and gathering several products in one (capsule, water carbonation, hot water, and water purifier), it was a product that had a learning curve for the user. The experience should guide the consumer on how to interact with the machine and its various functions.
(usually depending on the product, we have several design requirements, the product being small, having a specific capacity, in this case, because it is a product that brings technology and innovation. The design and the experience were key players)
From the beginning, the challenge in creating the product's use logic was not to have any similar product. The advantage is that you have creative freedom. But on the other hand, as the product is the junction of several products into one, users also had several references, such as capsule coffee machines, carbonation products, and water purifiers.
So the first step was to analyze the indirect competitors and understand each of these products' logic and task analysis. The significant learning and focus were on the number of steps the user needs to take to get a drink and the overall feedback and experience.
Task Analysis
With the task analysis, it is possible to visualize and understand gaps and opportunities.
Examples of task analysis done on two products:
Task: Prepare a capsule drink

Task: Get water

Designing the experience
After doing all the research, analysis, and consolidating all the information, we began to design the experience.
Project development and limitations

Beverage quality
After doing all the research, analysis, and consolidating all the information, we began to design the experience.
After doing all the research, analysis, and consolidating all the information, we began to design the experience.
Feedback and error prevention
First solutions
This was the first interface proposal. It used two boards, one for the buttons and another for the feedback and play/pause button.
The cost limitation came up during development, and we could only use a single board.
The challenge was to look at the existing boards in the company's portfolio and adapt the interaction to a single board.
Possible scenarios
Two usage logic scenarios.
The entire project team was very much divided on which two paths to follow—one with the play/pause button and the other without the play/pause button. The usability tests showed a learning curve for both since it was a new experience.
In the case of having a play/pause button, the question was at what moment to press play. The Rationales below were created to help in the decision-making process.
The user has control over pouring the drink.
Because it is a tactile button, it has a lower risk of triggering compared to others that are touch buttons.
One more step in interaction
One step less in the interaction with the product.
One behavior for each function.
I have no error prevention, I can touch the controls, and they trigger.
Improving through iterations
Qualitative Research
The product only evolved in this way due to numerous user surveys. There was 9 qualitative research, including co-creation, immersion, consumer Validation Lab, Field tests, and Interviews, in a process involving 84 participants. And gave us the certainty and confidence to launch into the market a quality, intuitive product with the user experience as its protagonist.
Bevys immersion/
4 participants
Evaluation of expectations and functionality of the Bevys machine.
Perception of the users' routine. Understanding how the product would be present in the user's daily routine.
What benefits are tangible and expected within the routine.
Relationship between beverage consumption and purchase frequency.
Cocreation/ 8 participants
To explore the logic of the product.
Understanding the step-by-step interaction and interpretation/expectations of users using the product.
The overall perception of the product.
CVLab/ 9 participants
Evaluation of product usability, ergonomics, maintenance, and product understanding.
Use of aesthetic model and functional prototype.
Internal Field Test/ 12 participants
Analysis of product logic and error prevention
Technical evaluation of the product
Answer questions related to water temperature quality, noise, and product operation.
Water deliveries (hot, cold, and sparkling)
Carbonation quality.
Water flow rate.
Capsule recipes.
External Field Test/ 12 participants
Evaluation of the product as a whole.
Understand how the product behaves in the user's routine.If the logic of the interface and the product corresponds to expectations. Understanding of the product logic and relationship with the home routine.
Quality of product feedback.
Positive points and frustrations.
Quality of capsule beverages.
Understanding of the graphics.
CVL (Consumer Validation Lab)/ 9 participants
Evaluation of Interface logic and behavioral proposals.
Volumetric prototype and prototype of the interactive digital interface.
CVLab/12 participants
Test the understanding of the behavior and logic of the interface concerning the product (cup holder, capsule, and squeezer), along with the printed material.
Understanding of the quick guide
Understanding the Manual
Understanding of the logic of the interface.
Understanding how the product works
Understanding of the graphics
Water dispensing.
Entrevista em profundidade in loco na casa dos consumidores
Overcoming Challenges
The logic of use
6 types of drinks
3 ways of preparation (heating, carbonating, and cooling)
2 columns (special drinks and water at 3 different temperatures)
Unified Logic
Guides the user through the process step by step.
It keeps the same logic in all functions, giving the user a fast learning curve.The user understands how the product works.
The user trusts the product with no surprises.
Appropriate temperature for each beverage (hot water, ice water, and carbonated water are only allowed at a specific temperature and carbonation)
Safety for improper activation
Hot water behavior, two steps for pouring (selection and confirmation)
From preparation time.
CO2 gas and filter - consumption and exchange.
Some possible machine error.
Service Design
As the company was breaking into a new market, the characteristic of the business and the service offered were very complex and covered several points of contact and areas of the company.
We were also responsible for analyzing and designing the experience applied to the service. Using the Blueprint tool, we delivered to the organization a comprehensive understanding of their service and the resources and processes to make the entire experience possible and provide strategic benefits by helping the company understand the big picture and identify opportunities for improvement and optimization.

The product won first place in the electronics category in the 29th design award of the Museu da Casa Brasileira.
The B.blend product uniquely and innovatively allies the ease and practicality of preparing a wide variety of beverages previously offered in different equipment. With its simple and sophisticated design, the product is attractive for its differentiated finishing and offers intuitive usability, made easier by the onboard electronics. Versatile, it can be installed in several residential and corporate environments.